Racial Injustice Resource Videos
Videos to Interact with:
Together to Transform 2020
Friday Night and Saturday Morning Sessions with Dr. Michael Henderson
Shalom Seminar with Dr. Ruben Rivera
Biblical Diversity Breakout with Dr. Harold Lewis
Responding to Injustice - Youth Leader Training
"13th" (Mature Audiences)
"Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man" on YouTube
Diverse Crowd of Hundred of Marches in Downtown Youngstown
"Before You Call the Cops - The Tyler Merritt Project | Now This" on YouTube
COVID-19 Resource Videos
ReOpening Church: Leading After COVID-19 by William Vanderbloemen
Preparing for Re-Entry - Dr. Bruce Hopler, Executive Director of Church Strengthening for Converge
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Virtual Church - What Have We Learned? Were Are We Headed? - Steve Perky, Digital Ministry Strategist
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Soul and Congregational Care in Crisis - Dr. Dan Rumberger, Southwest Counseling
The Blank Slate: A New Ministry Normal - Thom Rainer, Sam Rainer, Kevin Spratt
- Slides
- Pray & Go, Name Your Price: Sign up here
Understanding Your Church's Risk and Liability
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Taking Your Online Ministry To the Next Level
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Together to Transform - March 6 & 7, 2020 - UNITED
Breakout Sessions
Ministering to the Desperate and Disconnected
Laurel Bunker, Assoc. VP Christian Formation & Church Relations, Bethel University
Why understanding and ministering effectively to the next generation matters for the future of the church.