Converge Rocky Mountain is working together to
provide a variety of ways for believers to
carry out compassion projects around the world.
Teaming together locally to transform lives globally

The local-global initiative provides an opportunity for local churches to team together in sharing Christ's love in specific parts of the world. By teaming together, churches of all sizes can enlarge the missionary hearts of their people through training, inspiration, and hands on involvement in global projects. Primarily working through on site national church leaders, the local-global initiative seeks to make long term, redemptive investments, in hopes of seeing lives and communities transformed for the glory of God globally. Local churches network around global sites where a common passion is shared. The local-global initiative provides quality mission engagement that is affordable and accessible for churches of all sizes.
Partnerships drive the local global initiative. Church partners are identified by the letter "C." Para-church partners are identified by the letter "P." Different levels of responsibility are identified by the numbers 1 through 5. C1 churches carry the largest responsibility to carry through on a project. A C1 church is the "Lead" church in any international project. They must have the capacity and resources to stick with a project even if all other partners drop out. We are serious about maintaining a long term relationship with each global site. C2-5 churches have decreasing levels of responsibility, but all are still crucial to the partnership. (Click on image to see C1 strategy)

1) Discovery
- Global sites are explored and evaluated for a local global partnership.
- Churches are identified according to similar areas of global passion.
- National leaders and C1 churches are identified for chosen site.
- Potential para-church partners are contacted.
2) Preparation
- Site logistical visit
- Site requirements specified.
- Resources identified.
- Prayer team recruited.
- Projects developed and trips scheduled.
- Partners/participants recruited, assessed and trained.
3) Project engagement
- Prayer team activated.
- Specific projects promoted
- National leaders consulted
- Needed trip dates set
- Funds raised
- Team travel plans confirmed
- Team orientation
- Local-National leaders coordinate planning
- Trip carried out.
- Project reviewed, feedback gathered.
- Partnership strengthened, developed through long distance coaching and evaluation.