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Featured Church

Tell Us About Your Church And Community

Crosswind Church is the first Filipino American evangelical church in the Metro Denver area. It has undergone several challenges for over 20 years but is now a thriving intercultural church. There has been a shift in the church's vision so that Filipino Americans will not only reach their own but also other nations and cultures with the Gospel. We have also embraced being a missional church, serving our local community and sending missionaries to the unreached nations of the world. Our vision statement is “Advancing the Kingdom of God by the fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission through all generations.”

What Does CrossWind Do Really Well?

What we do is seen in our tagline, “Intentional, Intercultural, Incarnational”. This means that we are intentional in evangelism and discipleship. We also actively participate in church planting movements through Converge Rocky Mountain, and we engage in missions to the 1040 window nations.

Through our outreach, God has also changed the church's demographics to be multicultural. We are now a congregation of Caucasians, Blacks, Hispanics while the Filipino membership continues to grow. Through a gifted videographer who was recently baptized, we create evangelistic films in the Tagalog language with English subtitles. The short films made so far touched hearts when we showed them at church and are reaching many more online.

We also work to be a true incarnation of the love of Jesus to our community by serving them in different ways, including hosting a food bank. Our facility at a strip mall on Peoria and Mississippi has become a house of prayer for all nations as we host three Hispanic, one Micronesian, and three Burmese congregations. Several amazing worship teams lead us into God’s throne room every worship service.

Tell Us About Some Recent God Sightings

God is growing our community as we continue our regular City Ministry outreach and see souls receiving the Lord Jesus Christ. We had several baptisms this year, and more people are being trained for ministry work.

Our church received a prophetic word of revival, and we are witnessing the seeds of that revival.

Folks report a strong sense of the Spirit of God in our services.

We have commissioned adults, young adults, and some of our youth on missionary trips this year. Our young people who return from these mission trips are fired up to serve in church ministry.

Our men’s and women’s ministries are thriving and seeing more engagement.

We hosted a Ugandan children’s choir on August 1, whose pure worship and talents touched hearts.

Our kids’ vacation bible school (VBS) was a success with the theme “following Jesus changes everything.”

We aspire for a healing ministry based on Mark 16:17-18 as our prayer team has seen our prayers answered with a sister who has cancer becoming cancer-free. Praise God!

What Is Coming Up At CrossWind And How Can We Pray For You?

  • Pray for an effective ministry for our young adults, many of whom serve in the ministry but need to be nurtured and fed within their age group.
  • God has given us a vision of a bigger, beautiful ministry center where we will serve our communities, equip workers, and train missionaries and church planters. Pray for this to become a reality through a capital campaign that we are planning.
  • We are also building a café at our current premises which is aimed at funding our mission work.
  • Pray also for revival in the city of Aurora. Crosswind hosts monthly city-wide prayer, hoping to catalyze this revival.
  • Pray for our upcoming back-to-church Sunday on September 8, which we will hold at the Aurora reservoir, and our planned outreach activities in the fall.
  • Our Family Fun Day on September 8 will coincide with our back-to-church Sunday. We aim to invite our neighbors to a day of worship, food, and fellowship at the Aurora Reservoir and integrate them into our community. On back-to-church Sunday, we showcase the Crosswind journey in the acrostic WITNESS: W- Win, I- Integrate, T- Tend, N-Nurture, E-Equip, S -Strengthen, S- Send.
  • We are also hosting the Exchanged Life Seminar to be led by Don Mcreavy on September 21.
  • We are also entering the fall semester of our missions training called Vision School, our lay Bible school Institute for Training in Ministry (ITIM) and Church-based seminary The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI).
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