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Featured Church

"Love God, Love Others, Love Life"

Who Are We?

On June 30, 2024, Crossroads Community Church, formerly Pine Bluffs Baptist Church, in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, celebrated their 75th anniversary. There were many past members there to mark the day with a special service led by Pastor Joshua Tangeman, a meal and fellowship.   Former Pastor Dan DeBruyn, from years 2001 to 2023 gave a short message and introduced Dr. Mike Huber, who gave a message to all in attendance and online.   Dr. Huber was pastor from 1982 to 1987.    Everyone was encouraged as they reminisced about God's blessings on our church and community.
75th Anniversary Celebration
75th Anniversary Celebration

What do you do well?

We promote Bible studying and open discussion on what we are reading as a church family. We help in community events to share God.

Recent God Sighting

SOAP - Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. We do this Bible reading plan as a church family and promote it to all in our community and surrounding areas. We see how it is bringing our church family together, by us all studying the same scripture. We had a men's dinner with a speaker in June. We had about 140 men there to fellowship and grow as men in God.

What Is Next?

Crossroads Board Members

Crossroads Former and Current Pastors and Wives

How Can We Pray For Crossroads?

  • To keep spreading SOAP to the community.
  • For our church family to grow stronger and there to be unity amongst us and all that surround us.
  • We will be serving the town a BBQ lunch during Trail Days Aug 3rd.
  • We have a Sunday Funday on Aug 25th with lunch, fellowship and range time for the whole family.


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