Volunteer Needs: 2 Month internships, 1-4 year Internships for a specific Bam Project.
Dates for Upcoming Trips: None at this time.
Length of Opportunities: Short Term Mid Term
Name of Project: Asia for Jesus
Name of Principle Partner in Target Country: Not posted for Security reasons
History/Description of Ministry: Developing infrastructure to assist the national church in taking the gospel back to Jerusalem, through creating self-sustaining business ventures that provide income to church planters and a place to pursue ministry. Specific Volunteer needs: Translators, ESL qualified people, Specific business skills on a need basis. Business professionals. Gifted in making discipleship cross culturally. Retired people who love people. Dates for upcoming trips: Vision Trip in Feb/March. 2 Month Intern team leaving June 2013 room for more. Business seminars trip. February/March. Point person: If your interest is in training and teaching Business skills contact Doug Lange at Douglas.lange@centurylink.com All other inquiries to tjarvis@missionhills.org. To partner with Mission Hills Church, please complete the brief application below.
Overview of Your Project's Organization: We are setting up an executive team of partnering churches that wish to work with us in this relationship. The role of the executive team will be to work with the partner to coordinate trips, interns, projects and finances. It will act as a clearing house for all activity from Converge with said partner. We will together deal with issues that emerge, developing new ventures, raising needed funds and sending the best people for specific tasks.
Length of Relationship: 5 years
Description of Your Church's Involvement: Beginning 2013 we will launch a for profit company that will be a cultural Exchange program bringing people here from Asia for business education and sending American there for cultural adaptation and business in Asia. In addition this company will be a platform for launching other for business ventures for the above stated goals. Also beginning 2013 we will launch our first international center which will host a Starbucks type coffee shop. We currently have an Intern working there who will be responsible with our partners to launch and run this International Center. In 2014 we will launch another for profit entity in the same facility.
Partnering Churches: In the pipeline, Stapleton Church, Cherry Hills Community Church, Sun Valley Phoenix, Bethany EFree Church Littleton.
Partnering Churches Added Value: Interns, Hosting Asian nationals in Denver, Denver Center Leadership.
Contact Email: Ajarvis@missionhills.org